Metabolic Testing

Understanding how your body’s metabolism works is critical in ensuring you lose fat while retaining muscle. Knowing your metabolic rate is vital for weight loss, as the body gains or loses fat based on energy balance. It can make the difference between success and failure as you strive to reach your weight goal. When we know our bodies’ precise requirements, we can avoid eating any more than our budget allows, or less than we can afford.

Your Metabolism Questions that Need Answers

  • Is my metabolism fast or slow?
  • What is my daily calorie budget?
  • How can I achieve energy balance?

In just 10 minutes, your metabolic rate will be measured, and those results will be used to calculate your daily calorie budget. This budget will be printed out in an easy to understand format that will outline for you just how to use your metabolism to help you lose weight.

Metabolic Rate Factors

These factors can increase RMR:

  • Higher amount of muscle mass
  • Regular exercise
  • Hyperactive thyroid
  • Epinephrine hormone, released during periods of emotional or physical stress
  • Fever
  • Extreme environmental temperature (in cold areas, RMR depends on the body’s ability to insulate from the cold)
  • Pregnancy
  • Periods of growth (infancy through adolescence)
  • Higher protein intake slightly increases the thermic effect of food (TEF)
  • Eating followed by exercise doubles the TEF
  • Caffeine and nicotine (although the effect is temporary and neither substance is recommended for use due to their addictive properties)
  • Other factors affecting metabolic rate are:
  • Body composition (higher body fat = slower metabolism)
  • Hypoactive thyroid (low thryroxine level can slow down RMR as much as 30-50%)
  • Menstrual cycle can make as much as a 359-calorie difference (the low point is 1 week before ovulation, and the high point just before the onset of menstruation)
  • The presence of cortisol, growth hormone and insulin, depending on their interactions in the body.